Sermon for Christmas Eve
‘because will not be impossible with God every word’. Luke 1:37
This is a literal translation of the word spoken by the messenger Gabriel to Mariam which we translate as Mary.
I sat a few days ago a few metres from a stormy sea, my face lashed with salty spray reflecting on our readings and what I might say and I found myself weeping salt tears into the salty wind. ‘The impossibility of God’, God of the impossible, every word carrying the impossible promise. This phrase is a double negative: ‘will not be possible’
It will not be possible for David to fulfil his ambition to build a temple on his terms but this is now disclosed through what Paul calls the long hidden secret. The Greek says that the eternal has been kept silent but now has ben made known to all nations.
How we might respond to the impossible in our own lives? When I experienced what the Orthodox Church calls the ‘gift of tears’ a turning over in my guts a feeling that I must say ‘no’ to what I would love to come to pass. I was reminded of my own sinfulness, my many mistakes, my hubris and my presumption. Like Mary I must say ‘yes’ to the impossible word which in anguish of soul I shouted into the wind. Amen.
God’s word is Love. In Love and through Love nothing is impossible. Nothing else can save us. ‘I believe that all is possible,’ not on my terms but on yours. ‘because will not be impossible with God every word’. Luke 1:37
‘to the only wise God can only be given the glory to the ages of ages’ to which Mary said her Amen. Will you, can you say Amen to the impossible hope to which the Church is called?
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